I found the bag making site U-Handbag (www.u-handbag.com) and bought their "blank" Queen Bee kit. It comes with everything you need to make a handbag except the external fabric, lining and glue.
The photo doesn't do her justice! The felt snowflakes have Swarovski crystals and pearls on them. The outside is a gorgeous tweed and she's lined with Liberty Tana lawn! (OK, so the lining is a bit summery for the time of year, but who cares?)
I cut the snowflakes out using my Sizzix Bigshot and a Sizzlits die. Because the cut outs are very delicate I used a double-sided iron-on interfacing (Bondaweb, I think) on the felt before I cut them out. This meant that I could iron them on before adding the crystals and beads so it made life an awful lot easier :-)
I followed the kit instructions and it's not as scary as you might think! After you cut everything out (decorate with felt and beads - my step) and start sewing together, it kind of falls into place and suddenly it's really obvious and you knew all your life how to make a handbag :-)
Materials used:
- Queen Bee kit from U-Handbag.com
- Harris Tweed from eBay Shop (Esplanade London)
- Remnant of Liberty Tana Lawn for the lining
- 100% wool felt from Michelle Good on Etsy
- Snowflake die from Sizzix
- Gutermann Textile Glue from U-Handbag
- Swarovski crystals and pearls from Scatter Crystals
A note about the glue. I've used it on everything - from felt to cotton. It dries quickly by my standards and makes a really firm bond. It could be a lot messier and smellier! The gluey smell goes away after about 24 hours. Some glues pong for ever!
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